Our clients
Cathedral of Sevilla
The Cathedral of Seville receives almost 2 million visitors a year, which is a challenge for the temple’s sales and access systems. Servitickets has modernized the entire system, increasing sales by 10%, reducing incidents to 1%. Servitickets has been able to adapt to our particularities of accounting and staff capacity…

Palma de Mallorca Cathedral
Servitickets has modernized the way we interact with visitors who come in groups through agencies and cruises. The problems of capacity in high season, automated accesses and financial control of contracts have been resolved thanks to the tailored developments carried out by the company’s developers who have worked with our accounting department.
Figueres Town Hall
The spaces of the Dalí House and other venues inaugurated by the City Council are managed by Servitickets with a level of total adaptation: turnstiles, pdas, online and physical sales, integration with POS and the city treasury, tourist data system and indicators. We have gone from a system without data and without the capacity for evolution to a technology that we began to take advantage of as a destination and that will serve as a success story for our entry into the Segittur DTI Network.